S2M Report - 2 x 6 Part Label with Part Image
Contents of this Article...
- Alert - Start with a backup
- Extract the download
- Open Setup Package Utility and import the package
Before you get started is a great time to back up your Cabinet Vision files...
- If something doesn't go exactly to plan you'll be able to start over
- Take a look at our ScreenSteps on the Backup Utility
Our next step is to Unzip the download
- Right click > Extract All
- Un-check "Show extracted files when complete"
- Extract
An easy way is to place a copy of the zip file into your job folder > Right Click and 'Extract All'

We're ready to import the package into Cabinet Vision > Splash Screen > Utilities > Setup Utility
- Open the package
- Switch to import mode - Swap between Creation and Import Modes
- Overwrite all Matches
- Import Package Contents
- Click OK

Import Complete - You're nearly done - Just update the PSNC files and we can check it out!
- Windows Start > All Programs > NcCenter 11 > Update S2M Center 11 Databases

We're ready select the Part Label Report in a Report Group on your system! Time to start job!
- Take a simple job (or a lone part) to the S2M Center > Nest > Setup Reports
Note: You need S2M Advanced or S2M Ultimate to select the new label and make it available in a report group.
If you have S2M Essential or S2M Standard, you will be missing the 'Setup Reports' option and will need to send us you PSNC.mdb backup file so we can complete that final step for you...

Now in the report setup area - In this example I've created a new group called " Joinery IT Limited" (Note the space at the front of the word Joinery - This helps our label report to load first)
- Add a group
- Select the custom label in the list
- Tick the group to make the label available in S2M Reports

The report is ready to use! Happy labeling!