Blum METABOX drawer system - Post Import
Contents of this Article...
- Use or replace imported edge banding
- Use or replace imported Panel Stock
- Delete empty groups
- Organise Blum Metabox Guide material groups in the Material Manager
- Delete empty groups
- Order of UCS
Use or replace imported edge banding:
We need to move new materials into appropriate Groups, then delete any unneeded Materials or Empty Groups...
- One of the decisions is whether to use the imported edge band or to substitute it with an existing edge band
- In this example I substitute with an existing edge band
a) Open the Material Manager

b) Expand the new group with the package name > Left Click the Banding Group

In this section I delete the imported edge band so that I can replace it with the edge band that I already have in the system
c) Delete any banding products you already have on the system
When we delete 1mm white banding we will be prompted to select a replacement material

d) Click Yes to replace 1mm White Banding with your own 1mm edge band material

e) Select your own material - This will be used to replace the deleted material (Repeat c,d and e)

Use or replace imported Panel Stock:
Repeat the same steps as Banding Mateerial for Panel Stock Material if desired.
Delete Empty Groups:
a) Delete the empty group

Organise Blum Metabox Guide material groups in the Material Manager:
In this section I will move the new 'Blum Metabox' Group up to the 'Guides' Group
a) Expand Drawer Guides > Left Click and Drag the 'Blum' group up into the 'Guides' group above
If the Blum group already exists, drag the Metabox group into the Blum group above nstead...

b) Delete any empty groups that remain below the 'Deleted' group.
Now this section is complete > Close the Material Manager

Order of UCS:
Lastly we need to move the three UCS up above any UCS labelled as 'System'...
UCS have a sequence and the system UCS must run last. IE: After the Blum Metabox group of UCS...
a) Use this sequence to move UCS up from the bottom
- Left Click
- Shift Click the group of UCS above that you wish to move down
- Left Click the down arrow three times to move the highlighted group down into position

b) Here is the result...

You're all set up - Start a test job and you're good to go