Preferences - From the Splash Screen

Contents of this Article...

  • Open Preferences
  • User
  • Geometry
  • Layout
  • Measurement Units
  • General
  • Auto-Constraints
  • Geometry for higher levels with S2M

Opening Preferences - Use the Solid Button to get started...

  1. Click the Solid Button
  2. Left Click Preferences

Lets review each of the following screens to set things up...

  1. User Tab (Not an essential step but you may like to enter your company details)
  2. Geometry (Make sure 'Include Banding in Cutlist Part Size' is ticked)

This is an important setting if you are using the Cut List

Layout Tab - Here's our preferred settings

  1. Set all 'Clearances' to zero to enable full control of appliance and furnishing placement in the job
  2. Increase 'Maximum' Door Size - Cabinet Vision will use this size to decide when it should split the face of your cabinet (We make it a really big number)
  3. Choose 'Edit' settings - Double click on assembly in wall elevation mode (We prefer to section at assembly level - But try both ways)
  4. Uncheck 'Adjust assemblies on appliance move' (This can be annoying if left checked unless you choose to automate the cabinet sizes)
  5. Uncheck 'Center appliances under Windows' (This one is also annoying to some of us...)

Measurement Units

  1. Set unit to 'mm'
  2. Set the 'Metric Precision' to 1.1 (only 1 decimal point)
  3. Left Click the check box 'Trim trailing decimal zeros'

General Tab

  1. Set the size of the Undo/Redo stack, or set to zero (0) to disable Undo/Redo
  2. Set Auto-Save time in minutes or set to zero (0) to disable Auto-Save.
  3. Set number of jobs shown on Recent Job List Menu

On Solid Essential? Click OK. You’re all done here!

  • Note: If you have extra tabs to go through you are on a higher level - We'll just take a look at the most important

Auto Constraints Tab

  • X Axis and Y Axis constraints help your shape to be predictable
  • Tangent helps remove the bump between a radius and a straight edge
  • I prefer to have a radius remain consistent but this one isn't important

Geometry Tab

  • Again, we always include banding in cutlist part size
  • Incorporate Door Assembly Operations on Slab (Tick this if you're nesting/drilling for hinges or handles)
  • Tick the option to create programs for your buyout doors (If you want to create CNC programs)