Adjustable Shelf Pin Options - Post Import
Contents of this Article...
- Organise imported materials in the Material Manager
- Add price to shelf support material
- Set up the shelf support material in your Room Schedule
- Check the order of UCS
Organise the imported materials > Locate the new shelf supports...
- Splash screen > Material Manager
- Expand the new group at the bottom
- Select the Miscellaneous group
- Left Click Drag the shelf support over to your existing Miscellaneous group
- Right Click > Delete Group - Remove all empty groups from the bottom of the material manager

Edit the Shelf Support material price...
While we're in the material Manager, locate the material again and check the price of the shelf support
- Material Manager > Miscellaneous > Right Click the Shelf Support > Properties
- Vendor
- Edit your price

Next we will select the shelf support in the Room material schedules
- Left Click Drag the shelf support material on to the Adjustable Shelf Pin part in the Room Schedule
- If you have more than one room schedule - Right Click the Adjustable Shelf Pin and select Change Material in Multiple Schedules
- Click Apply - All schedules will use the same material

The final step is to consider the position/order of your UCS...
If you group like UCS together you may wish the move the UCS up in the UCS list. This step is not important for this package.
Time to start a job and try it out!